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Free Fire Gabriel Espinosa Announces His Departure From Garena Free Fire

Free Fire Gabriel Espinosa Announces His Departure From Garena Free Fire

Yesterday around 7 pm (Brasília timeGabriel Espinosa, also known as GB by the community, announced on his new YouTube channel his departure from the gigantic company responsible for Free Fire, Garena.
According to him, this decision was one of the most difficult of his life. There are even rumors that another company, saw the enormous potential of the coordinator of influencers, and decided to make him a proposal to run the department of another game with a similar genre.
In his video, he also talks about how it came about the so desired codiguinhos, which came due to several requests from the crowd for certain skins. With that, GB thought of a way to make these dreams easier to realize, making available various codes for influencers to distribute in their videos and lives with the players.
Also, he talks about setting up the Brazilian team for the Thai championship “Streamers Showdown”, which was attended by LOUD Babi, LOUD Voltan, LevelUp, Weedzão, and Penn. At the end of the tournament, they brought victory directly from Thailand to our country full of culture, stories, and dreams, which is Brazil.
His video ends with a “post-credit scene”, and he says that the channel's new videos will feature behind the scenes behind Free Fire. He likely recorded everything before he left the Asian distributor.
Speaking of which, Garena will need a new influencer coordinator for the game, right? The speculation is that the team is already looking for a person to fill the position. An official announcement should be made soon!

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